About Us

Meet Laura-Jane Shaw, owner of Cosmos Business Services

Laura-Jane Shaw is a multifaceted seasoned professional and founder of Cosmos Business Services.  A natural born leader with a rich diverse skill set and versatile expertise.  Ready to assist you with remote or hands on business support.  Cosmos Business Services offer an array of services specific to your business requirements.

A Wordsmith and an Administrator

With years of experience in Administration & Wordsmith Services, Laura-Jane has honed the art of juggling operational efficiency with linguistic impact. She’s not just an administrator; she’s a storyteller, crafting compelling narratives that amplify your brand voice.

Master Presenter & Workshop Host

Whether she’s commanding the stage as a Presenter & Demonstrator or orchestrating memorable events as a Coordinator & MC, Laura-Jane’s stage impact will keep your audience engaged and inspired.

Sales and Customer Retention Expert

Laura-Jane’s talent for Sales Training & Customer Retention, coupled with Sales Talent Assessments & Mystery Shopper Reviews, makes her an undisputed guru in maximising business potential.

A Strategist at Heart

Sales and Marketing Strategies, Company Image Review, or Debt Collecting—Laura-Jane tackles them with a strategic approach, ensuring your business is not only functional but thrives.

Creative Genius

From ideating catchy marketing campaigns to drafting workshops, newsletters, and social media content, Laura-Jane’s creative writing skills engage a captive market by putting your brand and message in a clear, concise and evocative position in todays open market.

Voice of Your Business

Her Telephone Services extend beyond mere calls. Laura-Jane specialises in Phone Surveys, Follow Up & Reminder Calls, and Appointment Setting, serving as the vocal persona of your business.